When it comes to digital branding, no two projects are alike. The messaging goals and design intentions vary significantly from company-to-company, requiring a strategic approach that considers the unique positioning of each client. Nowhere is this more true than highly-specialized B2B organizations, where the whims of a narrow customer-base dictate the success or failure of your brand appeal.
Showcasing the decisionmaking process and strategic factors that go into these projects can help illuminate the cooperative, detail-oriented nature of these collaborative efforts. We revel in the opportunity to share insights about our approach, with prior Q&A interviews providing helpful context that can benefit broader client-agency relationships.
The largest network of verified marketing agencies, Agency Vista, recently interviewed the Ink, Inc. team about a digital experience design project for our B2B client, California Energy Designs. Previously profiled for an Agency Vista #FeatureFriday showcase, our agency was the subject of this week’s #TransformationTuesday article.
A highly-specialized mechanical engineering firm, California Energy Designs is a leading expert in the field of HVAC, Plumbing, and Air-Quality Control Systems. Our goal was to ensure the digital experience of their brand was well-positioned for the precise, technically-adept audience they sought.
Weighing the pros and cons of accessibility and specialized appeal, we targeted key decisionmakers in their industry-segment rather than a broad base.
The project was successful, increasing the web conversion-rate while also improving the quality of leads. This included large-cap enterprise inquires, a first for the company on digital channels.
“It is worth every penny. When you look at our website now, everything flows. I never thought the site would bring in more business, but it has. They really took charge of it and we trusted them with it. Our website is much more professional now, as is the social media aspect. We have been able to really put a face on our company.” – Gabriel Gagnon, CEO of California Energy Designs (Read Full Client Review)
The full-length Q&A on our California Energy Designs project is currently live on Agency Vista’s company blog. For more information about our agency services, see the digital experience design page on our company website.
Published with StoryChief